You can find all our weekly church sermons here.
SoundCloud- Series
- 1 Peter
- A Season Of Hope
- Acts
- Advent
- Advent with Isaiah
- All In
- Baptism
- Bless
- Church Assemble
- Commitment
- Communion Meditation
- Confession
- Easter Message
- Epiphany
- Faith
- Following God
- Following Jesus, Seriously
- Future Hope
- Generous
- Get Out
- Getting Closer to God
- God is Greater
- God United
- Grace
- Grief
- Guest Speaker
- Hope for the Holidays
- I AM
- James- Faith the Works
- Jesus Revealed
- Joel;
- Kid
- Learning From Eijah in Isolation
- Loving Your Family Like Family
- Luke
- Mark
- Mentored
- New Chapter
- No Longer Slaves
- Paul
- Present Heaven
- Pulpit Swap
- Re-Gather
- Ready, Set, Grow
- Realization Refresh
- Realize & Testify
- Regather
- Restored
- Resurrection Life
- Sermon on the Mount
- Sermon on the Plateau
- Single Message
- Special Service
- Spiritual Gifts
- Testimony
- Thanksgiving
- The Hard Way
- The Kingdom of God
- The Way of Jesus
- This Changes Everything
- Trusting God
- Unity
- Vital Signs
- We Are Covenanters
- Wealth: Wielding it Well
- When God Ministers
- Why Gather? Why Bother?
- Topics
- #1 Corinthians 15
- #1 Peter 2
- #1 Peter 5
- #10 Years
- #2 Corinthians 5
- #Abide
- #Ability
- #Abraham
- #Accountability
- #Acts
- #Acts 10
- #Acts 9
- #Advent
- #Advent Communion Ashley Dec 1
- #Aging
- #Alone
- #Anger
- #Animation
- #Annointed
- #Antisipation
- #April 14th
- #April 21
- #April 23
- #April 24
- #April 2nd
- #April 3
- #April 30
- #April 9th
- #Are You The One?
- #Ask
- #Assurance
- #Aug 4
- #August 13
- #August 14th
- #August 16
- #August 18th
- #August 1st
- #August 20
- #August 22
- #August 23
- #August 25
- #August 27th
- #August 29
- #August 6
- #August 7th
- #August 8
- #August 9
- #Authentic Faith
- #Awesome God
- #Baptism
- #Be Generous
- #Be Merciful
- #Believe
- #Bible Scriptures
- #Bill Hansell
- #Bits
- #Bless
- #Blessing Others
- #Blessings
- #Branch
- #Bread Of Life
- #Brodigal Son
- #Brokenness
- #Busy
- #Busy Life
- #Care
- #Caring
- #Cell Phones
- #Centurion
- #Challenge
- #Chosen
- #Christ
- #Christmas
- #Church
- #Church Body
- #Circumcision
- #Citizen
- #Colossians
- #Colossians 3
- #Come
- #Come Follow
- #Coming Again
- #Communion
- #Communion Meditation
- #Compassion
- #Compelled
- #Confession
- #Consumerism
- #Cornelius
- #Corruption
- #Covid19
- #Covid19 Sermons
- #Crown Of Life
- #Dan
- #Dan Knight
- #Darkness
- #Dave Ringheim
- #Death
- #Death Of John The Baptist
- #Death To Self
- #Death To Sin
- #Dec 1
- #Dec 10
- #Dec 15
- #Dec 22
- #December 11th
- #December 17
- #December 18
- #December 19
- #December 26
- #December 29
- #December 31st
- #December 3rd
- #December 4th
- #December 5th
- #Deeds
- #Demons
- #Dependence
- #Desire
- #Despair
- #Devotion
- #Difficulties
- #Discernment
- #Disciples
- #Discipleship
- #Discipline
- #Discipline And Devotion
- #Discouragement
- #Divine Restoration
- #Doing Stuff
- #Don't Knit Pick Others
- #Doubt
- #Dyan Gale
- #Easter
- #Eat Together
- #Eating
- #Eccc President
- #Edgar
- #Egaratha
- #Elijah
- #Elijah Sermon
- #End Times
- #Ephesians 4
- #Epiphany
- #Equal
- #Ethiopian Eunuch
- #Evangelism
- #Evangelist
- #Evil
- #Evil Spirits
- #Facing Trials
- #Faith
- #Faith As Things Get Worse
- #Faith Loving Holy And Pleasing To God
- #Faithfulness
- #False Teachers
- #Fasting
- #Father
- #Father's Day
- #Fathers
- #Fear
- #Feast
- #Feast Sunday
- #February 11
- #February 12
- #February 13
- #February 16
- #February 19th
- #February 20th
- #February 26th
- #February 27th
- #February 4th
- #February 5th
- #February 6
- #February 9th
- #Feeding
- #Fellowship
- #First Fruit
- #Five Thousands
- #Flourishing
- #Focus On God
- #Focus On The Heart Not The Fruit
- #Follow
- #Following
- #Following God's Lead In Acts
- #Following Jesus
- #Food
- #Foot Washing
- #Forgiveness
- #Freedom
- #Fruit
- #Fruitful
- #Future Hope
- #Gardener
- #Gate Keeper
- #Gathering
- #Generosity
- #Generous
- #Gentiles
- #Gentle
- #Gifts
- #Gilles
- #Give Up
- #Giving
- #Giving God
- #Giving Thanks
- #Glenn Peterson
- #Go
- #Go Out
- #Goats
- #God Comes For Us
- #God Forgives Us
- #God Has A Plan
- #God In The Flesh
- #God Is Greater
- #God With Us
- #God's Provision
- #God's Purpose
- #Gods Kingdom
- #Good News
- #Gospel Of Mark
- #Grace
- #Gratitude
- #Great Commission
- #Greed
- #Groaning
- #Grow
- #Guest Speaker
- #Happy
- #Hard Times
- #He Is Risen
- #Headwaters
- #Healing
- #Heart
- #Heaven
- #Heavy Hope
- #Holy Spirit
- #Holy Week
- #Hope
- #House
- #How To Handle Sin
- #Humble
- #Humility
- #Hungry
- #Hypocrite
- #I Am
- #I Am He
- #I Peter 2:9-17
- #Immanuel
- #Irrigation
- #Isaac
- #Isaiah 7
- #Isaiah 9
- #James
- #James 1
- #James 3
- #Jan 19
- #January 12
- #January 14th
- #January 16th
- #January 1st
- #January 2
- #January 21st
- #January 23
- #January 26
- #January 29th
- #January 7th
- #January 8th
- #January 9th
- #Jarius
- #Jason
- #Jason Ashley
- #Jason Asley
- #Jeff Strong
- #Jesus
- #Jesus Baptism
- #Jesus Became Human
- #Jesus God's Gifted Son
- #Jesus Helps Us Do The Hard Things
- #Jesus Is King
- #Jesus Is Lord
- #Jesus With Us
- #Jim Edgar
- #Job
- #Joel
- #John 1
- #John 4
- #John 6
- #John Ritchie
- #John The Baptist
- #Jonah
- #Jonathan Dickieson
- #Joseph
- #Josephson
- #Joy
- #Judgement
- #July 11
- #July 14
- #July 17
- #July 21
- #July 23
- #July 24th
- #July 25
- #July 28th
- #July 2nd
- #July 4
- #July 5
- #July 9
- #June 11
- #June 18th
- #June 23
- #June 25th
- #June 26
- #June 28
- #June 30
- #June 4
- #June 5th
- #Just Believe
- #Justice
- #Kcbc
- #Kelvin Opiyo
- #Kenya
- #Kid's Kamp
- #Kids Kamp Sunday
- #Kim Heddon
- #Kingdom Of God
- #Kingdom People
- #Knowledge
- #Kootenay Covenant Bible Camp
- #Kosher
- #Lack Of Faith
- #Lamp On A Stand
- #Last Days
- #Leaders
- #Leading
- #Lent
- #Level Up
- #Life
- #Life After Death
- #Light
- #Light Of The World
- #Listen
- #Live Faithfully
- #Living
- #Living Water
- #Lord
- #Lost
- #Lost Son
- #Love
- #Love Eachother
- #Love The Church
- #Luke
- #Luke 1
- #Luke 15
- #Luke 2
- #Luke 3: 21-38
- #Luke 3:1-20
- #Luke 4
- #Luke 4: 1-13
- #Luke 5
- #Luke 6
- #Luke 7: 1-10
- #Luke 7: 11-17
- #Make A Difference
- #Making Disciples
- #Many Parts
- #March 1
- #March 13
- #March 15
- #March 16
- #March 17
- #March 20
- #March 27th
- #March 29
- #March 30
- #March 3rd
- #March 5
- #March 6
- #March 8
- #Mark
- #Mark 1
- #Mark 16
- #Mark 3
- #Mark 4
- #Mark 5
- #Mark 6
- #Mark 9
- #Mark Gingerich
- #Mary
- #Masculinity
- #Masks
- #Matt 14
- #Matthew 11
- #Matthew 6
- #May 1
- #May 10
- #May 15
- #May 19
- #May 21
- #May 22
- #May 26
- #May 28th
- #May 7
- #Meditate
- #Men
- #Mentor
- #Michael Mcgillvrey
- #Mike Mcgillvray
- #Mike Mcgillvrey
- #Mission
- #Missionary
- #Missions
- #More
- #Motives
- #Mountain
- #Mouth
- #Mustard Seed
- #Neil Josephson
- #New Creation
- #New Heaven
- #New Jerusalem
- #New Wine
- #Nicodemus
- #Nicole Opiyo
- #Nikole Opiyo
- #Not Enough
- #Not Perfect
- #Nov 17
- #November 1
- #November 12th
- #November 13
- #November 15
- #November 20th
- #November 21
- #November 24th
- #November 26th
- #November 28
- #November 3
- #November 3rd
- #Numbers 11: 4-23
- #Obediance
- #Obedience
- #Oct 13
- #Oct 16
- #Oct 30
- #Oct. 15
- #Oct. 6
- #October 1
- #October 11
- #October 17
- #October 18
- #October 23
- #October 24
- #October 3
- #October 9th
- #On The Verge
- #One Body
- #Opiyo
- #Organ
- #Orhpans
- #Other Way
- #Our God Is Greater
- #Our Joyful Praise
- #Our Relational Covenant
- #Palm Sunday
- #Parable
- #Paradise
- #Parenteau
- #Parts
- #Pastor
- #Pastor Jason
- #Pastor Jason Ashley
- #Patience
- #Paul
- #Paul's Ministry
- #Peace
- #Pentecost
- #Personal Testimony
- #Perspective
- #Peter
- #Pigs
- #Plan
- #Plant
- #Political Discussions
- #Political Parties
- #Politics
- #Post Easter
- #Power
- #Power And Authority
- #Prayer
- #Prepare The Way Of The Lord
- #Pride
- #Problems
- #Prodigal Son
- #Proverbs
- #Providing
- #Psalm 118
- #Psalm 5
- #Psalm 65
- #Psalms 212
- #Purification
- #Purpose
- #Rahab
- #Raised
- #Real Devotion
- #Rebelion
- #Reconciliation
- #Redemption
- #Refinement
- #Regather
- #Rejection
- #Relational Covenant
- #Relationships
- #Remain In Me
- #Renewal
- #Renewing Of The Mind
- #Repent
- #Repent And Follow
- #Repentance
- #Responsibility
- #Rest
- #Restoration
- #Restored
- #Restored Part 2
- #Restored Part 3
- #Resurrection
- #Resurrection Life
- #Revelaiton
- #Revelation
- #Revelation 22
- #Rick Penner
- #Rob Peterson
- #Romans
- #Romans 12
- #Romans 12:1-6
- #Romans 13
- #Romans 3
- #Romans 8: 28
- #Ron Hominuke Interview
- #Rooted
- #Roots
- #Rudder
- #Running
- #Rwanda
- #Sabbath
- #Sacrament
- #Sacrificial
- #Sacriment
- #Samaria
- #Satan
- #Saul
- #Scarcity
- #Scripture
- #Secular Age
- #Secular Culture
- #See A Great Light
- #Seeing Jesus
- #Self Serving
- #Sent Out
- #Sept 1
- #Sept 26
- #Sept. 22
- #September 10
- #September 12
- #September 13
- #September 17
- #September 19
- #September 24th
- #September 27
- #September 3rd
- #September 5
- #September 8th
- #Sermon From The Boat
- #Sermon On The Boat
- #Sermon On The Plateau
- #Serve
- #Service
- #Set Free
- #Set Free From Fear
- #Shalom
- #Share
- #Share Your Story
- #Sharing Your Faith
- #Sheep
- #Shepherd
- #Sighing
- #Silence
- #Sin
- #Sin Against The Holy Spirit
- #Sincere
- #Social Media
- #Solitude
- #Son & Holy Spirit
- #Soul
- #Sowing Seeds
- #Spiritual Gifts
- #Spiritually Dry Times
- #Sticking With It
- #Storm
- #Strength
- #Stuff
- #Submission
- #Suicide
- #Surrender
- #Talent
- #Taming The Tongue
- #Teachable
- #Temptation
- #Tempted
- #Testify
- #Testimony
- #Testing
- #Thankfulness
- #Thanks
- #The Church
- #The Gate
- #The Good Shepherd
- #The Kind Of Leaders Jesus Calls
- #The Kingdom Of God
- #The Land Between
- #The Light
- #The Way Of Jesus
- #Thirst
- #To Mask Or Not To Mask
- #Tongue
- #Tracey Ashley
- #Transfiguration
- #Transition
- #Trials
- #Troubles
- #True Vine
- #Trust
- #Trusting God
- #Truth
- #Two Daves
- #Two Deaths
- #Unbelief
- #Unity
- #Universal Church
- #Value
- #Vineyard
- #Walking On Water
- #Wants
- #Watch
- #What Child Is This
- #What To Eat?
- #Who Are We Following?
- #Why Does God Give?
- #Widows
- #Will It Matter In 10 Years
- #Wine
- #Wisdom
- #Women
- #Women At The Well
- #Words
- #Works
- #Worship
- #Yeshua
- #Yoke
- #Yolo
- #Zacchaeus