We believe that every Christian is called to mission: to bring the whole gospel to the whole world. In that sense, every Christian is a missionary. However, as a church we want to support those individuals and couples who are seeking to bring the gospel to those who have never heard, often in cross-cultural contexts. Below is our current list of global missionaries that we support as a church.
Below is a list of the long-term missionaries supported by our church.
Kernels of Hope
Spring Update 2023
The Snow quit, the weather warmed, the fields dried and the race was on !
Farmers across the Canadian Prairies are nearing completion of seeding this year's crop. This season hasn't been nearly as nail biting as last spring when excess moisture kept most tractors out of the field until it was nearly too late, Crops did turn out fine tho due to an abnormally long frost free season and we had phenomenally high grain prices available for the year ! Those high prices have recently been sinking fast as the world tries to normalize. Every year brings new challenges of some sort. We again have Canadian farmers like the Borleys, Lindgrens, Nelsons, Van Heysts, Seversons and Pankratzs setting aside some of their acres for Kernels ! You can be a virtual farmer by helping us pay for some of the crop inputs expenses. The crops and resulting funds go to Tearfund Canada who is a member of the Canadian Food Grains Bank. The funds then get a sweet government match and then get connected to partner organizations in East Africa like Terepeza to help churches teach local farmers how to grow more crops with less water! If there is one thing they have... it is less water.. Conservation agriculture with reduced tillage , ground cover more drought tolerant crops, better grain storage and better marketing methods is making a huge difference in the participants family's lives. I was there in March and met so many people that passed such genuine thanks to everyone here that is able to help in any way ! The best way to explain what I learned was that in any charity you support it is easy to think of them as just numbers. I was reminded that they all have names, they all have a heart, they all have a dream ( especially for their children. ) Thanks for helping make some of those dreams come true.
If you can help this year, go to the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada website or cheques are still accepted happily. Make it to ECCC and put Kernels in the note line and send it to ECCC Box 2247, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K2
Ray the Grain Guy
How Kernels of Hope Works
Canadian Covenant farmers in several provinces donate their time to grow wheat and canola crops on a portion of their land set aside to be “purchased” by virtual farmer donors. Those donations pay the costs of rent, seed, chemicals, insurance, and custom work.
When the crops are sold, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) matches the grain sales revenue on a four-to-one ratio to reach the final donation amount. That money is distributed to the intended recipients through the Canadian Food Grains Bank and Tearfund Canada (previously World Relief Canada).
Previous to 2011, money from the Kernels project was used to provide implements and other needed supplies to farmers in South Sudan and Liberia. Ray "The Grain Guy" Baloun leads the Kernels initiative.
Click Here to view Kernels of Hope Website
Ron Homenuke - Lifehouse V. Minitries

Sold out to Jesus! A servant to street and dysfunctional children of the Philippines. In 2015, Ron marked his 30th year as a missionary and is only now shifting into high gear. Battling a brain-stem injury, broken back, broken jaw, torn knee ligaments (three times), typhoid, hepatitis, dengue fever, chikungunya (the latter two both caused by mosquito bites), then in 2016, a near tragedy with burst appendix, the joy of the Lord is his strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
Click Here to access Action International Ministries Website
Click Here to access Compassion’s Website
Click Here to access CPC’s Website
Click here to access the Samaritan's Purse website.
share word global
Click Here to access The Share Word Global Website
Colleen Nahnychuk

Ministry: Discipleship, Evangelism and Outreach, Community Development
Assignment: Argentina
Home Church: Evangelical Covenant Church of Nelson (Nelson, BC)
I am Colleen Nahnychuk from British Columbia, Canada. I am a New Missionary with Serve Globally (ECC’s Mission Priority) and will be serving in Argentina. Originally, my husband Max and I were called, individually yet at the same time, to missions in the middle of Patagonia, Argentina and we embarked on this journey together. However, in September 2017 this changed when Max passed away. The months that have followed have been the most difficult of my life, but God has confirmed for me His calling on my life. I remain completely surrendered to His will and through my grieving and healing process am seeking to faithfully follow where the Lord leads.
I will be partnering with the Iglesia del Pacto Evangélico Argentina, which consists of several Covenant Churches. I am committed to serve there “to join in God’s mission to make more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world.” Each church has its own outreach and community development projects. I eagerly look forward to walking alongside the Argentine Conference and Churches in the areas of Developing Leaders, Make and Deepen Disciples and Church Vitality.
The primary backdrop of the mission, will be working under the direction of the President of the IPEA utilizing the Covenant’s Pathway to Vitality, available in both Spanish and English, as well as other ECC materials from the US and other Latin America countries. I will be serving as support for the pastors by assisting with developing stronger congregations through leader development and discipleship training.
Secondly, every one of the six churches has their own specific ministry in which I have been asked to serve. This represents a full range of opportunities including:
evangelism in hospitals, care facilities, schools and in the street
- children's ministry
- outreach to victims of drug, alcohol and domestic abuse (AVA)
- community development
- agriculture development
- church planting
and of course there's always some sort of construction
Together with Serve Globally and IPEA, we are discerning what ministry will look like. Currently, I will be the only Covenant Missionary in the Southern Cone.
Thirdly, I will be forwarding information to Serve Globally and Merge about how they can come along side the churches to serve them in the most holistic and practical way possible.
Finally, I have a vision of hosting any individual, couple or family that wants to join me in service and cultural immersion in Argentina.
CONNECT with Colleen
Email: colleen.nahnychuk@covchurch.org
Blog: blogs.covchurch.org/nahnychuk/
Newsletter: Click here to sign up.
PARTNER with Colleen
Giving in Canada:
Give by Cheque: Payable to ECCC, include 'Global-Argentina' in memo. Mail to Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada, PO Box 2247, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K2
Give by e-transfer: Send to donate@covchurch.ca and include 'Global-Argentina' in message.
Give through CanadaHelps: Click here and select the 'Global-Argentina' fund.
Giving in the USA:
Give by Cheque: Payable to ECC, include 'Colleen Nahnychuk Support' in memo. Mail to Evangelical Covenant Church, 8303 West Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631
Give Online or with EFT: Click here to give through the ECC Online Giving Portal.
Click Here for update
Opyios, Kelvin and Nikole

The Opiyo family lives in Mombasa, Kenya and runs The Rehma Project. Kelvin grew up in a poor community called Kongowea situated in Mombasa. He met Nikole while working with a youth ministry. Nikole was on a short term mission in Mombasa at the time. They were married in 2011 and began ministering to youth in Kongowea. They moved to Canada in 2013 where they pursued higher education, had two beautiful girls (Mercy and Amina), and prepared to move back to Kenya full-time. They returned to Kenya in February of 2017.
The Rehma Project seeks to empower the youth of Kongowea, Kenya through sports, mentorship, education, health, and loads of love. Through the transforming knowledge and love of Christ, their prayer is that youth will come to know Him and live an abundant life. The community they work in is an unreached population. Much of their time is spent running soccer and mentorship programs for over 500 young men and women. They do one-on- one mentorship/discipleship and bible studies. Nikole is currently working on creating a prenatal education and support program for pregnant women. To learn more about The Rehma Project you can visit the Website for more information here.
Bolivia Church Plant