The Living Garden

THE LIVING GARDEN is situated on the Balfour Covenant Church land in Balfour and run by the Church as one of it's ministries. With the assistance of Columbia Basin Trust grants, RDCK grant, individual donations, many discounts, gifts and offers from local suppliers, as well as countless hours of volunteer time, the garden is now growing. Inception and planning for the garden started in 2012 with conversations and discussions with Rick and Judy Dickieson and a few friends.
The Living Garden is a “GIFT” garden. What is a gift garden? Many community gardens are developed around sharing the space with neighbours that look after their own “patch”. A “Gift” garden is more of a philanthropical approach by growing the food with volunteers and distributing it to various agencies that assist members of the community that have a need for various reasons. The garden has already supplied fresh vegetables and berries to “The Food Cupboard”, Salvation Army and “Our Daily Bread” in Nelson. We also make the produce available to that part of the Balfour community that can use it and need it.
Please drop in and enjoy what God is doing. Offer your assistance in pulling weeds, food delivery or harvesting by calling Rick or Judy Dickieson at 250-229-4412.